1 min read
Go Slow To Go Fast
I recently received a survey from my son’s school principal. There was a brief email asking everyone to complete a survey: a list of 20 plus...
1 min read
I recently received a survey from my son’s school principal. There was a brief email asking everyone to complete a survey: a list of 20 plus...
2 min read
You put so much effort into your beautiful new strategic direction. It is well crafted; you were able to effectively engage multiple stakeholder...
2 min read
Were you impatient as a child? Give me, Give Me, GIVE ME! As a child, we are all pretty impatient. But we grew up. We mellowed, and we learned (to...
2 min read
You understand your business model, right? Of course, you do. Today, the phrase “Business Model” is overused and has a variety of meanings. So,...
2 min read
Recently I was talking with a client about the new company she was working in and her concern that the strategic planning process at her new company...