Cecilia Lynch

Cecilia Lynch, founder, CEO, and chief strategist at Focused Momentum LLC, a leading authority on strategic thinking and strategy development. She is the creator of Strategy Class®, the training program she launched to demystify the overwhelming task of developing a strategic plan using her proprietary tools and planning methods.

Foundation to Foster Strategic Thinking

4 min read

Strategic Direction - The Crucial Foundation for Strategic Thinking

In today's fast-paced business environment, strategic thinking is often touted as a critical skill for leaders and managers. However, many organizations overlook a fundamental prerequisite for effective strategic thinking: a well-defined strategic...

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Mission statement your organizations ultimate why

3 min read

Writing a Mission Statement: Your Organization's Ultimate 'Why'

Have you ever wondered why some organizations seem to move with purpose while others flounder? The secret might lie in a tool often overlooked: the...

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missing strategic plan elements

5 min read

6 Critical Elements Your Strategic Plan May Be Missing

As a leader in a corporation, non-profit organization, or small business, you understand the importance of strategic planning. It's the roadmap that...

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strategy hijacked

2 min read

Is Your Strategy Being Hijacked?

In their Harvard Business Review article, Don’t Let Metrics Undermine Your Business, authors Michael Harris and Bill Tayler explore this question by...

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stand up sit down image

3 min read

Want to engage future leaders? Take a seat.

Raise your hand if you were alive on November 22, 1963. I recently posed this question to 30 senior executives and board members as we opened a...

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2 min read

Multitasking – NOT the Best Strategy

Multitasking is often a skill identified with a highly productive person, yet today our use of technology has pushed multitasking to ridiculous...

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Strategy Implementation

3 min read

4 Disciplines Essential to Strategy Implementation

You have spent months working on your strategic plan, and now, finally, it has been approved. Kudos to you and your team! Now, what? How do you...

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Emerging Issues

3 min read

3 Steps to Evaluate Emerging Issues (without disrupting your plan)

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and pretty soon you have a dozen." -- John Steinbeck I like rabbits, but I love ideas. Too many of either...

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Strategic KPIs

3 min read

Are Your Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Strategic?

Plans are set, goals are defined, budgets are negotiated, and a new year begins. Teams review their goals and their budget, then go right back to...

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2 min read

Renew Strategic Thinking without Rewriting your Strategic Plan

Strategic thinking can and does happen every day, but it is rarely adequately optimized. Here is why. Strategic thinking requires a shift in mindset...

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