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New Strategic Management Plan

2 min read

Break the Cycle of Setting and Forgetting this Year's Strategic Goals

The start of a year provides an ideal opportunity to define new goals and set a new course for the coming year. A new year invites optimism for this new chapter in our lives! But even with our best intentions and our New Year resolutions, we fall...

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Strategy or a plan which do you need

2 min read

The difference between a strategy and a plan (and which do you need).

There always seems to be a lot of planning going on. However, not all planning efforts are the same: different processes produce different results....

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2 min read

How to Discern Operational Targets from Strategic Objectives.

If it is the start of a new year, it is goal-setting time. If you are like most, you reviewed how well you performed against last year’s goals and...

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2 min read

The three reasons NOT to skip the year's mid-year progress review.

Usually, the six month mark is the time to review progress against goals and update strategic thinking, based on changes to planning assumptions....

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System Thinking vs Design Thinking

2 min read

Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Strategic Thinking: All the same?

Interest in thinking is trending. I have read multiple articles promoting design thinking and the value of systems thinking. We are also seeing...

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Motivate by Strategic Thinking

2 min read

Too Many Goals! Apply strategic thinking to motivate not overwhelm.

“What are the greatest challenges you face?” This was the question I posed to stimulate a brainstorming exercise during a recent Strategic Thinking...

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ladder to door out of reach.jpeg

2 min read

How to turn a budget cut into a strategic thinking opportunity.

As the fiscal year ends, the planning teams wrap up the annual planning and distribute next year’s budgets. Ideally, this would be a time of...

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Budget planning stress

3 min read

Why do so many executives hate budgeting?

“It just sucks. Every year we try to make improvements, and it gets better, but it still sucks.” This is a sentiment expressed by the CEO of a...

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Strategic Focus

3 min read

Three Symptoms You may Lack Strategic Focus (and what to do about it!)

A constant in strategic management is the need to respond quickly to perceived threats or potential opportunities. More than ever before, the speed...

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